Neighbourhood Watch
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Cyber Scotland Bulletin - July 2024

Dear Resident,

The new edition of the Cyber Scotland Bulleting is available here .


You have been sent the Bulleting either as you have expressed a group interest in Cyner related matters or your are a local Neighbourhood Watch Co-ordinator. The CyberScotland Bulletin is designed to provide you with information about the latest threats, scams, news and updates covering cyber security and cyber resilience topics. We hope you continue to benefit from this resource and we ask that you circulate this information to your networks, adapting where you see fit. Please ensure you only take information from trusted sources.


If there are any cyber-related terms you do not understand, you can look them up in the NCSC Glossary.


Thanks you for your time and helping keep our communities safe on-line.


Kind regards



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Message Sent By
Ian Moffat
(Neighbourhood Watch Scotland, Community Engagement Officer, Scotland)

Neighbourhood Alert Cyber Essentials